Tuesday 23 February 2016

Can I get a Round of Mocktails Please!

This seems to be the year of babies! I am 15 weeks into my first-time pregnancy and noticing the lack of non-alcoholic drink options in restaurants. I enjoy our time dining out, but I have been to several eateries and there will be a whole drink menu all alcoholic, and no options for Mocktails. When you ask what your choices are for alcohol-free drinks you are given options of juice, milk, tea, coffee, water, and pop. Some places I have been to don't even have those drinks listed on the menu. When I question what types of tea or juice it's almost as if you are inconveniencing your waitress. I have gotten responses "Well what kind of tea do you usually have?" To which I answer "It depends what is available!" Just list your choices on the menu then I don't have to pestor you with my questions to make an informed decision.

Why do non-alcoholic drinks have to be so boring? 
Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I don't want to feel part of the crowd and drink something divine and extraordinary. My starter drink of choice has been a virgin caesar, which I love. I find myself wanting an increased quality of culinary experience, by having a superior Mocktail, paired with my meal. Not everyone drinks alcohol for a variety of reasons.

I challenge restaurants to step up their game and think about the population that are prohibited to drink alcohol. Show us your creativity and make up a menu full of concoctions bursting with flavour. I have had some mock mimosa's or fruit juice with soda, which was fine but very basic. Not to mention I was charged almost the same price as an alcoholic beverage for that simplicity. I don't mind spending $6 on a mocktail, but the standards need to be high for that price.

NASH is the best establishment for Mocktails I have been to located in Calgary, Alberta! 

I told my waitress "I'm pregnant and cannot consume alcohol can you make me an exciting drink?" Without hesitation, and a couple more questions of preference, I was brought the most exquisite Mocktails with fancy garnishes. As an outsider looking in, you would not be able to tell I was not drinking booze based on the appearance of my amazing Mocktails. My guests were even surprised by the taste and appearance. Kudos to Nash for knowing exactly how to serve your clientele. Other establishments should be coming to you for education and advice on how to make Mocktails. On a side note, everything at Nash is outstanding; we go there at least once to eat when we are visiting Calgary!

Pinterest is loaded with fun non-alcoholic beverage ideas! So hostesses don't forget to check out some of these pins for your expectant mothers attending your party.  It will make her feel appreciated and special that such detail was taken into consideration. Not to mention other people will benefit too. Designated drivers, children or underage guests, maybe someone battling alcoholism can all enjoy your non-alcoholic concoction you have created and still feel a part of the celebration.

My advice to all eatery establishments is to take a look at your menu and see how you can improve beverage choice without the alcohol consumption. Accept my challenge and help increase the cultural change of Mocktail's to our society. I still have another five months of pregnancy and wish to have more enjoyable dining experiences!

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