Tuesday 7 July 2015

Safe Simple Sugars in the Shower

I just recently tried Simple Sugar body Scrubs and needed to write a blog on this amazing product. I was bad to my skin and went unprotected in the sun, on one of the hottest Sunday's this summer. In return I got sunburnt. I decided to wait a couple days till the pain from the sunburn stopped. Then I started using the Sugar 'N Spice Simple Sugars body scrub. I attribute this product to saving my skin from the regular "peeling" process that accompanies a sun burn.

What is Simple Sugars? Lani Lazzari, in December 2005, started formulating a sugar scrub for homemade Christmas gifts. Being a sufferer from sensitive skin and eczema she focused on creating a scrub that would be all natural and safe for sensitive skin. Her theory is "if you wouldn't eat it, then you probably have no business putting it on your skin." In March 2013 her product was featured on the "Shark Tank" and invested by a billionaire. Their products are PEG, paraben, sulphate, phthalates, artificial preservatives, color, and additive free.

Why Should you Consider Using this Product? 

Did you know that the biggest organ in the human body is your skin? This is why it is so important to not be putting harsh chemicals on the skin. Chemicals and artificial preservatives applied to the skin are absorbed into the bloodstream. Spreading these bad ingredients throughout our body. There is research linking preservatives playing a huge role in cancer causing agents. I one hundred percent agree with not putting ingredients on your skin that you couldn't eat. When I used that Sugar 'N Spice scrub it smelled so good I contemplated trying a spoonful.

They have three types of scrubs: Facial, Body, and Foot. Each scrub has a different concentration of sugar. The facial scrubs have the lowest concentration to provide gentle exfoliation. The Facial scrub can be used for body and feet, but the foot and body is not recommended to use on the face. The facial scrubs are so gentle they state it can be used twice a day. The best part about these scrubs is their "GO NOLO" concept. Meaning go without lotion. These scrubs are designed to provide exfoliation, cleansing and moisturizer all in one step. The natural oils contribute to leaving your skin smooth and soft till your next shower.

Check out their website for a full list of scrub flavours, how to determine which facial scrub is best for your skin type, and the smooth for Men line of scrubs. 

For more interesting facts Click on the link provide below.

I got my Simple Sugar scrub from a unique shop called "All About Flowers" located in Edmonton, Alberta. This store is one of two Retailers in Canada that carries this fantastic product. Take advantage if you live in this area to stop in and get some scrubs to try out. They would make fantastic gifts for all ages. The product is also safe for infants and children. They recommend you use the Avocado Facial scrub (with or without emu oil) for babies under one year. My recommendation would be purchase their "Flip-top" lids. I think the lid is genius!

Here is the link to "All about Flowers" website below:

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Green Sustainable Beauty

Located in a small town called New Sarepta, Salon Sareptacious is taking your hair experience in the right direction considering the environmental consequences and effects to our planet.  Kristina, owner of Salon Sareptacious, has become a member of Green Circle Salons and part of the positive green change.  

What does it mean to be a  Certified Green Circle Salon member? 

This means salons are becoming consciously aware and linking our actions and consequences in relation to our planet. Combined, Canadian salons produce 20,355 tonnes of waste annually. When a Salon joins Green Circle they are enforcing the philosophy to help increase efficiency while redirecting, recycling and repurposing materials that were once destined to pile up in our landfill's. Working together to keep people and the planet beautiful. Hair, paper, plastic, metal and chemicals are all recycled through this eco-friendly company. The hair clippings are collected and made into oil booms which are used to clean up oil spills.  

Kristina has a charismatic personality that all her clients enjoy! She offers the community and surrounding area her professional hair expertise at affordable prices. Whether your looking for a traditional or trendy hairstyle/colour, Kristina is capable and enthusiastic about achieving that specific look for you. 

Salon Sareptacious Shabby Chic theme is enhanced throughout the salon. This theme also contributes to an eco-friendly environment. I love how Kristina up-cycled already existing furniture giving them a make-over. In such a wasteful society it is easy to just get brand new furniture, but it takes a creative mind to see how an old item can be transformed into modern use. This same creativity exists in all of Kristina's work. She takes the time to truly understand what style you want and make it unique. 

Davines is the product line chosen by Salon Sareptacious. Another environmentally friendly choice for this Green Circle Salon. Davines was founded in Parma, Italy in 1983 by the Bollatie Family. They provide quality products with respect for the environment using high grade natural ingredients. They strive to balance between substance and style, nature and science, people and spirit. 

I tried a huge variety of Davines hair products and it would be safe to say I hoard these amazing products. Another great concept is the packaging. You can choose to recycle or re-use the empties. The containers can be re-used for other items. I think they make excellent plant pots making them extremely Green! 

Have you ever considered choosing a salon based on environmental consequences? If no, why not? If we want to change the future of our children we need to protect our planet. There can be a plan B, but there is no Planet B.

Call and book your appointment with Kristina at 780-941-3900
Follow Salon Sareptacious on Facebook
Follow on Instagram @sareptacious 

Saturday 9 May 2015

Eat Green

Have you heard of the Green Pantry? It was created in 2011 and somehow I am just finding out about this business now!! Why am I wasting my time and money in the big grocery stores when I could be taking advantage of our wonderful locally grown food in Central Alberta?

So what is the Green Pantry? Well these lovely ladies have taken the time to scope out all the delicious and nutritious food that can be found at the local farmer's markets and brought it all together online. They currently have 8 locations for pick-up, which include, Lacombe, Sylvan Lake, Red Deer, Blackfalds, Stettler, Ponoka, Rocky Mountain House, and now CAMROSE!!!!!

This business offers a wide variety of products available all year long. You would not think Alberta would be able to have year round vegetables, but they are grown in local greenhouses. The meat offered is elk, bison, rabbit, beef, pork, poultry, and lamb. The dairy offers ice-cream, milk, cream, yogurt, cheese and sour cream. The other subcategories available are soaps and lotions, meals-in-minutes, gluten-free, baked goods, fruit, grains and cereals, salts, herbs,spices, and oils, peas, beans and lentils, prepared food, honey, and beverages.

How it works: First you sign up with your profile information and payment information, then add items you want to order (orders need to be in by 11PM Tuesday before delivery on the Thursday). Then you go to the location designated to your city, at specified times, on the Thursday to pick up your order (unless it is Blackfalds or Rocky Mountain House which states Friday's).

I just received my first order this Thursday and was amazed by the quality of food!

Visit their website and browse all there wonderful products!

Reasons to Buy Local

  • Local food looks and tastes better

  • Local foods are better for you. Less time transporting the food from the farm to the table ensuring nutrients are maintained and not lost. 

  • Local foods support local economy. Farmers are a vanishing breed. Buying local foods and eliminating the middle man helps local farm families grow. 

  • It builds your local community. 

  • Local foods benefits the environment and wildlife.

  • It promotes a safer food supply.

  • The producers can tell you how the food is grown

  • It keeps taxes in check. Farms contribute more in taxes than services, where as suburban developed areas cost more than generating taxes.

  • Local food is our future. Supporting local foods ensures are community tomorrow and for future generations. 

Saturday 25 April 2015

Chocolate at it's Finest

Did you know we have the most fabulous Chocolate couture, with cocoanista designs just minutes away. If there were fashion awards for chocolates, Jacek would win hands down. Their chocolates are so pretty you almost don't want to eat them. When you take a bite your tastebuds explode into a whole other dimension.

I purchased the Mad Hatter's Spring Collection this past Thursday. Brought them home for my husband and I to enjoy. I thought since we get six each I would savour them and have one a day. Unfortunately I ate all six of mine in one sitting, and wished I had more.

The Mad Hatter's Collection 

The flavours from left to right:

Raspberry Hibiscus: Creamy Hibiscus infuse ganache topped with raspberry caramel.

EAT ME: Apricot & Ginger: Ginger and apricot infused dark chocolate.

Earl Grey Tea: Milk chocolate infused with Earl Grey tea.

Lavender, Lemon & 'Time': Dark chocolate infused lavender, lemon & thyme.

Sage & Smoked Chanterelle: Caramelized white chocolate with sage topped with smoked chanterelle (from untamed Feast) ganache.

Unbirthday Cake: Milk chocolate layer over vanilla bean ganache, enrobed in dark chocolate.

Going to the Jacek store is like walking into a fresh deli of extravagent chocolates. The staff are excellent at suggesting pairings for the chocolates. 

The Petite Bar Collection

Flavours from left to right:

Petite Jackie: 36% caramelized milk chocolate with Fleur de Sel

Petite Cocoa: 39% milk chocolate drizzled with white chocolate.

Petite Frank: 40% milk chocolate with cocoa nib brittle.

Petite Audrey: 64% dark chocolate from Madagascar with tart cherry & toasted pistachio.

Petite Marguerite: 70% dark chocolate from Honduras.

Petite Stella: 85% dark chocolate with cocoa nibs and tropical green tea. 

Now these are chocolates that make great gift ideas. It supports a local company, it's fresh, delectable, and highly attractive. Who wouldn't want to get a box of these chocolates? Just add a bottle of wine and you have a gift to win a woman's heart!  

Although I have had these chocolates before in the past, and I am aware of the markets they attend this was my first time visiting their shop. They have two locations. One downtown Edmonton and the other in Sherwood Park. I ventured to the Sherwood Park location. They are also sold in multiple stores in Edmonton. 

I wish there was a retailer in Camrose that carried their creations! But I can always order online and have the chocolates delivered directly to my house. 

Please check out their website for more information and explore the Cocoanista world of Jacek! 

Here is their Facebook Page:

Saturday 18 April 2015

Uplifting Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Wellness

Camrose established a new place of serenity March 2, 2015, on Main Street. Have you been to Sacred Art's yet? If not make it your next stop. Ravidass and Lisa, husband and wife, share a powerful vision of inspiring a healthy and natural lifestyle.


What do they have to offer our community? For one they have great hours open Monday - Saturday 10 AM - 9 PM and Sunday's from 10 AM - 5 PM. Yoga classes and drop in passes. Yoga apparel and supplies, artwork, natural body care products and much more. They also have a great Vegan menu. The staff working are knowledgable and very kind.

I was informed their coffee is Beyond Fair Trade. It's a way to ensure sustainability and prosperity of Doi Chaang Coffee and all involved. That means 50% of the profits earned by the Canadian company are returned to the farmers. There is local artists featured monthly. Their yogi tea is crushed and made by hand in store. They use cacao, which is a rawer form of cocoa, and they use no sugar but dates as a sweetener.

I have eaten there twice this week. Stopped there before my evening shift Wednesday night. Went back again Friday night but took my husband. I had the spicy lime avocado soup, Mexican quinoa salad, a piece of fudge and a green tea latte with a fabulous coconut milk froth on top. My husband needed a cold and flu tea latte, which was absolutely delicious, and also frothed to perfection. To take home for the weekend we also purchased two post yoga energy balls, two coconut macaroons, and a cinnamon bun.

Here are some of their delectable food photo's:

For more information visit Sacred Art's website:

Also you can visit their Facebook page: 

Friday 17 April 2015

Upcycling Trends

I am thrilled with the Upcycling Trend. I can assure you my days off will be spent searching garage sales for the perfect finds. Upcycling is defined as the process of converting old or discarded materials and transforming them into something new, beautiful and useful.

For example, Pallets have been a hot pinning topic on Pinterest. Here are a few images of how you can change pallets into every day functional creations.

Do you have any old globes around you don't know what to do with? I found this unique way to upcycle and create unique decor for your home.

Or Maybe you just went on a trip, have a favourite photo to develop and have the map from the trip to make as a mat around the photo.

Or Maybe just make Coasters with it!

How about making a planter with old plastic bottles?

Taking an old Drawer and turning it into a Shelf. 

Need a Cheap Earring holder. Just paint a old Cheese grater.

Have Old Mason Jars and want to create a unique light fixture.

How Adorable to make a kids picnic table out of recycled Skateboards.

Not sure how you would prevent this from water damage, but I love the look of this piano fountain/planter.

Bright Idea!!! Old light bulbs for Oil lamps.

For that Musician lover how about this drum chandelier!

Old later for a bookshelf.

A bathtub transformed into a seating bench.

A brillant book shelf and conversation piece.

A T.V. aquarium.

Literally a "Book" shelf.

Deconstructed chair for a towel holder.

A Vintage suitcase as a medicine cabinet.

More vintage suitcases for stools or end tables.

Take old frames and change them into a serving tray.

Here is a link that has over 200 ideas for up cycling. http://www.popsugar.com/smart-living/Cool-Upcycling-Projects-24338804#photo-35094505 

Essentially there are millions of ideas on the internet. Before you throw something out, thinking it's junk check if you can make it functional for you again. 

Happy Upcycling my Followers. 
Post your transformation photos in the comments. I would love to see your creations!